LAB ASSIGNMENT 8 – Setting Network Properties


Materials Needed:



Step 1: Joining a Domain


Click the Start menu then choose Settings then Control Panel. Select Systems. [This can also be found by right clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties.]


Select the Network Identification Tab. You can either select Network ID to allow the Network Identification Wizard to lead you through joining a domain or select Properties and make the appropriate changes.



Step 2: Configuring TCP/IP


Click the Start menu then choose Settings then Network and dial-up Connections or right-mouse click Network Neighborhood. Then double-click on Local Area Connection and select Properties. Scroll-down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Select Properties. You will be able to configure the IP address and DNS server on this page.


Step 3: Advanced Settings


By selecting the Advanced button, you will be able to adjust the IP and DNS settings as well as WINS and security options.